

Friday, 21 July 2023

React Js Interview Question

● What is React js

● What is difference between virtual dom and shallow

dom, dom in React js

● What is controlled and uncontrolled component in

React js

● What is hooks in React js

● What is jsx, babel, webpack

● What is Redux

● What is reducer, action, store in Redux

● What is middleware in Redux

● Explain data flow in Redux

● What is Redux-Thunk

● What is Redux-Saga, Difference between

Redux-thunk and Redux-saga

● Difference between class component and function


● How can we implement componentWillUnmount in

function component

● useEffect,UseState, useMemo.useCallback hooks in


● Explain lifecycle method in React js

● What is difference between export default and export

in React js

● What is portal in React js

● What is reconciliation in React js

● What is useRef in React js

● What is server side render in React js

● What is useStrict in React js

● What is fragment in React js

● What is react router in React js

● What is node module in React js

● What is the default localhost server port in react js.

how can we change the local server port

● What is high order component in React js

● What is pure component in React js

● What is difference state and props in React js

● How to optimize React js app

● What is difference between React js and Angular js

● What is prop drilling in React js how to overcome it

● What is context api in React js

● What is super, constructor, render function in React js

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