

Friday, 21 July 2023

Javascript interview Question

 ● What is Ecmascript in Javascript

● What is difference between let ,cons and var

● What is spread operator, Rest operator ,

default parameter

● What is deep copy and shallow copy in


● What is promise , callback function , async await

in in Javascript

● What is difference between promise and

callback in Javascript

● What is event bubbling and event capturing in


● What is higher order function in Javascript

● Explain different-2 types of function in Javascript

● What is arrow function in Javascript

● Why we use call, apply bind method in


● How many way to create object in Javascript

● What is prototype inheritance in Javascript

● What is typescript

● What are the array method , string method

● What is difference between java and javascript

● What is throttling and debouncing in js

● What is Null and undefined in javascript

● What are the falsy values in javascript

● What is execution context, event loop ,stack,

call queue,microtask queue in Javascript

● What is setTimeOut and setInterval in Javascript

● What is object.seal and object.freeze in


● What is difference between map and set in


● What is Weakmap and Weakset in Javascript

● What is sessionStorage, localStorage , cookie,

● Write a program to sort an array

● What is use of json.stringify and json parse()

method in Javascript

● What are is map, filter , reducer in javascript

● What is generator function in Javascript

● How to stop event propagation in Javascript

● What is closure in Javascript

● What is housing in Javascript

● What is dead zone in Javascript

● What is function currying in Javascript

● What is mutation observer in Javascript

● What is memorization in javascript

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